In the past two and a half weeks, Storm has been a reading machine!  He has completed two books, and he's well into his third.  Way to go, Storm!

Books he's read since break:
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Third Wheel
The Kill Order (in progress)

Keep up the amazing work!

Mr. Joseph Green
1/25/2013 04:01:40 am

Way to go Storm, that is amazingly good! Keep it up.
Thanks for recognizing this stellar achievement Mrs. V!

Joyce Cutwright
1/25/2013 09:55:17 am

Great job Storm! You are such a bright boy, and I know you work very hard! I love you so very much!

Love Mom!

Michael Cutwright
1/25/2013 09:58:29 am

Keep up the good work! I am proud of you!

Love Dad!


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