Cassie did a stellar job of reading a magazine article, then synthesizing what she learned into main idea statements.  She shared her great thinking on Today's Meet (an online discussion board) with her classmates.  Great work, kiddo!

In the past two and a half weeks, Storm has been a reading machine!  He has completed two books, and he's well into his third.  Way to go, Storm!

Books he's read since break:
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Third Wheel
The Kill Order (in progress)

Keep up the amazing work!

Meghann did an amazing job of analyzing the poem "Mother to Son," by Langston Hughes.  She figured out the symbolism behind the "crystal stair" that the mother in the poem is comparing to the perfect life.  Way to go, Meghann!!!!

Students with fewer than 3 office referrals between January 22nd and March 14th will be treated to a movie and popcorn!  We will take a field trip to Copper Creek theater, where we will  watch Oz the Great and Powerful.  It looks pretty fantastic, don't you think?  See you there!

Val and Dakota K. practiced their point of view and summarizing skills by writing a series of tweets from the point of view of Liesel, the heroine in The Book Thief.  Great work, girls!

Alexis R. did a fantastic job with her graphic novel assignment.  She took a scene from The Book Thief and transformed it into a comic book page.  Amazing work, Alexis!

On this page, you will find examples of great kids doing fantastic things.  Check back for pictures, stories, and examples of amazing student work.